25 July 2011

Agriculture as a Duty


Rev. T. S. King, in an agricultural address delivered in California, says: “In dealing with land, man is called to be a coworker with the Infinite Mind. This is the foundation of the nobleness of the farmer’s office. In fact, we shall not reach the right point of appreciating the eminence of agriculture as a duty, a profession and a trust, until we see the earth is not yet finished. The Creator has left part of the fashioning to man, or rather waits to work through man in perfecting it. Rejoice all you that are called to the dignity and trusts and delights of the farmer and the horticulturist! Rejoice that you belong to a class through whom God is finishing his creation, and who are enlarging the divine bounty, and adding to the beauty of the world. Whether an acre, a garden spot, or a section, is under your charge, feel more deeply your commission, be glad in the responsible honor of your lot. Resolve to add to the fertility of your domain.
 [Thomas’s Farmer's Almanac]

As I've mentioned before, Thomas's Farmer's Almanac was a secular publication. Nevertheless, it was not unusual for such publications in the early to mid 1800's (and certainly before that) to reflect Christian ideals. That's because the Agrarian Nation of America's past was clearly Christian. 

The Christian-agrarian culture respected and honored biblical concepts of what was right and wrong. Biblical morality was the foundation for living a well-ordered life and having a well-ordered society. That is, of course, no longer the case. America is now a post-Christian nation.

So, what is the dominant religion of America today? That is a topic that could be discussed at length. For my part, I believe that America now worships at the altar of industrialism. The industrial religion includes a host of supporting idols, some of which are science, government, the wisdom of men, profit, leisure and  amusement. 

Even the vast majority of people who call themselves Christians these days love, hope and trust in the ungodly industrial idols. That is the way it looks to me. 

And as for the biblical responsibility for Christians to till the soil, grow food, and care for creation, as co-worker's with God (as today's excerpt explains), this is now a completely foreign concept to the vast majority of modern christianity.

End of editiorial.

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Nancy said...

Well said!
In a conversation a couple of days ago about whether or not someone should prepare, this person informed me that they didn't need to because if things did get bad their neighborhood would plant gardens and even get a cow if it came to that. None of these people garden now. They said that they were going to enjoy everything while they could and they would know what to do when and if the time came. They were trying to discourage us from being in agriculture at the same time. When I pointed out that the people that lived in the city during the Great Depression had a hard time providing for themselves they said that it was because they just didn't know about gardening and things back then like people do now.
Flabbergasted would be an understatement.

Herrick Kimball said...

Biblically speaking....

"The prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it." (Proverbs 22:3)

On another note, it is too bad that some people do not equate gardening with enjoyment. I've been gardening since I was a teenager and consider it one of the great joys of my life.

Nancy said...

Good point. I have always encouraged people when they ask me about doing things that some would describe as "more self-sufficiently", by telling them to not do anything out of fear but, do things for all of the good reasons to do them. Only after becoming completely frustrated by this persons' negative comments about farming, I asked them if they thought having land would be a good idea if things were to get worse.