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Harvesting Fodder Carrots? |
Co. Meacham, who succeeded in obtaining 1000 bushels of carrots per acre, for several years, estimates the expense per acre at $35. This culture adapts the land admirably for wheat or barley. As a food, the carrot is extensively used in England, and to some extent in our eastern and northern States, as horse fodder, and is well adapted to oxen and hogs, &c. The carrots should be boiled or steamed, or, if given raw, sliced with a vegetable cutter. According to Antoine’s tables, 276lb equal 100lb of hay; they make twice as good fodder as turnips and nearly equal to potatoes. Carrots and hay are a good fodder for horses, or, when given alone, about fifty pounds prepared will be necessary daily. They are very fattening.
[Maine Farmer's Almanac]
Years ago, my mother bought a juicer and made carrot juice. She tried to get me to drink it but I wouldn't even give it a try. I couldn't bear the thought of drinking carrots. My wife had no objections to the idea. She drank a glass of the liquified roots, and pronounced it very good. I wasn't persuaded.
But then, after months of hearing how good carrot juice was, and after being nagged by my wife to at least try it, I gave in.
Wow, was I surprised. That carrot juice was so good that I decided we needed to get ourselves a juicer, and I needed to grow more carrots!
On another subject, I'm sure you have heard of the listeria-from-melons outbreak that is currently in the news. People are eating melons (normally a downright healthful food), contracting listeria, and dying. This sort of thing doesn't surprise us anymore—Industrial Nation food has a long track record of contamination and manslaughter.
On the other hand, how many people have you known to get sick and die from homegrown food?
Some of you may recall that my very first post to Agrarian Nation was about Little Jack's Melon Patch. I told you that I had bought some Nutmeg melon seed and was going to try growing the heirloom variety, and that's exactly what I did. Here's a couple of my nutmegs in my garden earlier this month....
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Herrick's Homegrown Nutmegs (2011) |
Do we Americans have a right to freely purchase and consume food produced by our neighbors, or even ourselves? As unbelievable as it sounds, some "authorities" in government don't think so. That said, I encourage you to read No Right to Produce or Eat Food by Walter Jeffries.
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